The Role of the GeneralistI am not a specialist. This was a hard lesson for me to grasp for many years, and I would be lying if I said that I have fully learned it…Jun 11, 2021Jun 11, 2021
Building High-functioning Teams“We just heard from business that we cannot cut any of the requirements, but we still have to deliver all of these features by launch.” For…Jun 4, 2021Jun 4, 2021
Complexity is the Tradeoff That Keeps on GivingIf you spend any amount of time brainstorming solutions to a technical problem with an engineer, it will not be long before you arrive at…Sep 3, 2020Sep 3, 2020
What is Good Software, Really?There are easily as many ways to think about software as there are software engineers. In fact, it seems safe to say there are probably…Aug 17, 2020Aug 17, 2020
Lessons From Album Tags: Part 3In early spring of 2019, as my Album Tags project turned one year old, I began a significant lift for the site that I had thus far been…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
Lessons From Album Tags: Part 2Today’s post is part 2 of a series I’m working on that details important lessons I’ve learned while building my music-focused web…Jan 30, 2019Jan 30, 2019
Never Done LearningI want to start this post with a thank you to everyone who has followed along this far. I started this blog while preparing to attend The…Apr 29, 2018Apr 29, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 17The second week of the live project has wrapped up with great success! I was able to contribute on several stories, both front-end and…Apr 29, 2018Apr 29, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 16I’ve made it to the live project, and wow! This is our big final project and it’s everything I heard it would be and more. I am working on…Apr 21, 2018Apr 21, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 15Week 15 of bootcamp means this coming Monday I will begin my live project course! We received an intro email for the course revealing that…Apr 14, 2018Apr 14, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 14This week I rolled out my music app to four of my close friends. This is the exact audience I had intended it for, and I’m excited to see…Apr 6, 2018Apr 6, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 13Week 13 of boot camp is wrapping up. In the past week I attended two meetups, one on Firebase and one for some help with my Node.js…Mar 30, 2018Mar 30, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 12This week I built out the scariest part of my music app — the update page! Because of the way I elected to store tags in my MongoDB…Mar 23, 2018Mar 23, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 11A third week of Node and Express apps has treated me well. My music app is coming along nicely and I’ve learned how to query a mongoDB…Mar 16, 2018Mar 16, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 10I am writing this blog post as “week 10” of my TTA boot camp but this is also the second week of my Node.js self-study adventure. My…Mar 9, 2018Mar 9, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 9This week was my first week out of the C# basics course at The Tech Academy and I will be doing the final Live Project course starting…Mar 5, 2018Mar 5, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 8I have just completed the C# course of my Tech Academy boot camp adventure! What a great feeling it was to turn in the final project…Feb 27, 2018Feb 27, 2018
Boot Camp: Week 7I can’t believe it’s coming up on two months that I’ve been at The Tech Academy so far. Of course there will always be moments in any…Feb 16, 2018Feb 16, 2018