Boot Camp: Week 17

Joshua Hunsche Jones
2 min readApr 29, 2018

The second week of the live project has wrapped up with great success! I was able to contribute on several stories, both front-end and back-end, throughout the project. For those interested, I’ve posted some code samples and documentation on my GitHub to show the process and what I learned.

While I was working on the live project pretty much full time, I also took some time to review C# basics by taking a new C# course that The Tech Academy created since my first course. Hearing another senior developer’s perspective was helpful for getting some of the concepts I missed the first time around. I feel like I can comfortably explain things like polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance, and some ways these are used in object oriented programming. I’ve been writing object oriented projects for some time, both in C# and earlier on in Ruby, but this last week finally felt like these fundamental pillars finally clicked into place in my brain. I bet it was also good to do this review after writing some functional JavaScript in my recent Album Tags project because I was able to better compare and contrast these OOP concepts and see their advantages and disadvantages.

Here are a couple of my favorite hi-lights from the code I wrote this week for the live project. As a refresher, the site we were working on in my team was a social media/travel site. One area where I contributed heavily was building out the functionality for site admins to see flagged content. Once I was able to bring all the content together, a story was added asking for the list to be both searchable and sortable by content and user. Here’s some code from the controller that I used to accomplish this:

Here I use some LINQ statements and a switch so the user can search text or click the table headers and sort the content. I modified the table headers to use ActionLink’s that access this functionality in the controller:

@Html.ActionLink("Flagging User", "FlaggedContent", new { sortOrder = ViewBag.FlaggingUserSortParm })

If you want to check out more stories or code samples, you can find them in the live project folder of my Tech Academy project repo on GitHub. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments, or if you just want to get in touch! I’m @jhunschejones on GitHub and LinkedIn and by email.

Originally published at on April 29, 2018.



Joshua Hunsche Jones

I am a determined life-long learner and creator, as passionate about well-designed technology and software products as I am about meticulously crafted music.